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  • Writer's pictureElizabeth Peters

Grease stain remover tutorial

I made the mistake of biking with a long flowing cardigan which got caught in the back of my bike. The result was a very obvious black stain along the bottom of the garment.

When I noticed it (which was not until a wee while later after getting home), I went straight to Google to find if there was any hope of redemption! There were some disposable wipes that claimed to have wonderful powers of removing any stain, but I wasn't looking to buy another product (especially one so wasteful). So I kept looking until I found a solution that wouldn't require unnecessary purchasing.

Then I read about dishwashing liquid and baking powder, both items I already had in my kitchen!

So I decided to give it a go and see what would happen! I was so happy with how it turned out, I wanted to share it with you all.

All you need to do is cover the oil/grease stain with a heavy sprinkling of baking powder and then mix in with some dishwashing liquid. This created a paste on top of the garment. I added another sprinkling of baking powder for good measure and then left it to soak through. I left mine overnight because it was going to be easier to do the steps in the morning.

Mid scrub. You can see some of the stain still by the soap suds.

Next hand-wash the garment, focusing on the stain rubbing the fabric together and running under water (Note: there will be a lot of bubbles from the dishwashing liquid!). You will be able to see when the fabric is clean and any areas that need a bit more attention. Rinse through and wash as normal in your washing machine.

All clean and stain free!

I was so happy with the results of this! Simple products producing marvellous results.


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